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Opening Day October 7, 2023

Paul Acciavatti

Updated: Oct 4, 2023

Last weekend, for the first time in many decades, the forest was full of the sounds of work and laughter. 20 people were able to come and help us get our tent up and build trails... all because they wanted to be a part of helping create Vermont Forest Cemetery. We know many more of you wanted to be there. There is much more to do. If you would like to be contacted when we are in need of volunteers for trail work (including this weekend) and cemetery maintenance, please reply to this email and let us know.

We have said that one of the five branches of our mission is community. It has been deeply rewarding to begin to see the community take shape, and to see people embrace and enrich the vision.

And now… the announcement we have been eager to be able to share (and that many of you have so patiently awaited for so long):

Starting at 11am on Saturday, October 7, there will be activities to reflect all five branches of our mission (Burial, Conservation, Art, Learning, and Community) including poetry readings, casket weaving, and a bird walk, as well as opportunities for tours led by our Board.

We can't wait to share this special place with you, and to see it through your eyes.

Please note:

Vermont Forest Cemetery is a remote site, and we have only had vehicle access for a few weeks. We encourage carpooling for many, many reasons... but right now the biggest one is the fact that parking is extremely limited at the cemetery. So please contact us if you plan to visit and have limited mobility.

IF NEEDED: Rain Date Saturday, October 14 at 11am


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1 Comment

Sep 18, 2023

I am excited to see that this dream of yours is coming to fruition and I hope the day is spectacularly beautiful as October 7th in Vermont promises to be.

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